About the LEADSmart Education Program
The LEADSmart Education Program, is an initiative of the Lead Alliance, introduced to Mount Isa in 2010, it aims to provide an opportunity for Mount Isa Kindergartens, Child Care Centres and Schools to incorporate lead awareness and education into their policy, curriculum and practices.
The LEADSmart Education Program aims to educate Mount Isa teachers, parents, and students/children about the facts on lead, how to reduce the risk of elevated blood lead levels and promote the Lead Alliance key messages: Wet Wipe, Wash and Eat Well.
To be recognised as a LEADSmart Education Facility, Mount Isa Education Services are required to carry out all activities and programs outlined in a “LEADSmart Policy” which is submitted to the Lead Alliance and reviewed by the Lead Alliance Project Officer annually.
Upon receipt of a LEADSmart Policy, Education facilities are presented with a personalised LEADSmart Sign recognising the efforts in providing information and education to teachers, parents, students and visitors regarding living safely with lead.
Why should they become LeadSmart?
It assists to build the profile within the community and appeal to local and new families. By displaying visible signage out the front of the service it is a way of the community knowing that the educational facility is committed to ensuring the health and safety of the children, staff and families.
Over the last 12 months, a concentrated effort has gone into supporting many facilities across Mount Isa to become LEADSmart. We currently have 31 facilities active within the program. We are continuing to support other services who are on their way to become LEADSmart.